Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Critique of Angelas Ashes essays

Critique of Angela's Ashes essays It is a frequent view that times for the Irish majority in the 1930s and 40s were very hard. Especially for the Irish Catholic families with the stereotypical drunken father, emotionally ruined mother, kids running around her with her a sore back from the next child to be born. In Angelas Ashes, Frank McCourt examines his childhood experiences, the tragedies, hardships, and learning involved with growing up. One of the most interesting aspects of the writing in Angelas Ashes is how the text is written, from McCourts interpretation of the situation at his age that he was at the time, the spelling and grammar also indicate that the child is writing, not the adult. This contributes greatly to the emotions and enjoyment evoked from reading the book. It also better describes how a child actually sees the things that are going on around them, and what they may be thinking. Personally, sometimes it has made me think for a while about how I interpreted things I saw when I was that age, and the fun I had being a kid. McCourt describes his brothers and sister, even the ones that died, and how much he enjoyed growing up with them, how they cared and loved for each other. Because of the appalling quarters they lived in and the lack of money and food there was terminal illnesses in the family, which proved fatal to some of his siblings. McCourt in his childlike writing style describes how his siblings and he, interpret whats happened and how they see their parents reacting. McCourt also analyzes how his young brother Malachy looks up to him, and how much he takes Malachy under his wing and takes care of him. Parenting is said to be one of the hardest tasks out there today, especially sole parenting. McCourt carefully examines his mother, how she copes with her drunken husband, how her cousins who married gentlemen are constantly trying to run her life, and how she acts as a woman. His father, The...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Making Small Talk for English Learners

Making Small Talk for English Learners The ability to make small talk is highly valued. In fact, many English students are more interested in making effective small talk than knowing correct grammar structures - and rightly so! Small talk gets friendships started and breaks the ice before important business meetings and other events. What Is Small Talk? Small talk is pleasant conversation about common interests. Why Is Small Talk Difficult for Some English Learners? First of all, making small talk is not difficult only for English learners, but also for many native speakers of English. However, small talk can be especially difficult for some learners because making small talk means talking about almost anything - and that means having a wide vocabulary that can cover most topics. Most English learners have excellent vocabulary in specific areas, but may have difficulties discussing topics they are unfamiliar with because of a lack of appropriate vocabulary. This lack of vocabulary leads to some students blocking. They slow down or stop speaking completely because of a lack of self-confidence. How to Improve Small Talk Skills Now that we understand the problem, the next step is to improve the situation. Here are some tips to improve small talk skills. Of course, making effective small talk means lots of practice, but keeping these tips in mind should improve overall conversational skills. Do Some Research​ Spend time on the internet, reading magazines, or watching TV specials about the type of people you are going to meet. For example, if you are taking a class with students from other countries, take time after the first few days of class to do some research. They will appreciate your effort and your conversations will be much more interesting. Stay Away From Religion or Strong Political Beliefs While you may believe in something very strongly, beginning conversations and making small talk about your own personal convictions may abruptly end the conversation. Keep it light, dont try to convince the other person that you have the correct information about a higher being, political system, or other belief system. Use the Internet to Gain Specific Vocabulary​ This is related to doing research about other people. If you have a business gathering  or are meeting people who share a common interest (a basketball team, a tour group interested in art, etc.), take advantage of the internet to learn specific vocabulary. Almost all businesses and interest groups have glossaries on the internet explaining the most important jargon related to their business or activity. Ask Yourself About Your Culture​ Take time to make a list of common interests that are discussed when making small talk in your own culture. You can do this in your own language, but check to make sure that you have the English vocabulary to make small talk about those subjects. Find Common Interests​ Once you have a subject that interests both of you, keep to it! You can do this in a number of ways: talking about travel, talking about the school or friend you have in common, talking about the differences between your culture and the new culture (just be careful to make comparisons and not judgments, e.g., The food in our country is better than the food here in England). Listen This is very important. Dont get so worried about being able to communicate that you dont listen. Listening carefully will help you understand and encourage those speaking to you. You might be nervous, but letting others state their opinions will improve the quality of the discussion - and give you time to think of an answer! Common Small Talk Subjects Here is a list of common small talk subjects. If you have difficulties speaking about any of these topics, try to improve your vocabulary by using the resources available to you (Internet, magazines, teachers at school, etc.) Sports - current matches or games, favorite teams, etc.HobbiesWeather - boring, but can get the ball rolling!Family - general questions, not questions about private mattersMedia - films, books, magazines, etc.Holidays - where, when, etc. but NOT how much!Home town - where do you come from, how is it different/similar to this townJob - once again, general questions not too specificLatest fashion and trendsCelebrities - any gossip you may have! Here is a list of topics that probably arent very good for small talk. Of course, if you are meeting a close friend these topics may be excellent. Just remember that small talk is generally discussion with people you dont know very well. Salary - how much do you make? - Thats none of your business!Politics - wait until you get to know the person betterIntimate relationships - only for you and your partner, or maybe your best friendReligion - tolerance is the key!Death - we need to face it, but not the first time we meet someone newFinancial - related to salary above, most people prefer to keep financial information to themselvesSales - Dont try to sell something to someone you have just met.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Application of Organizational Managerial Theories in Law Enforcement Term Paper

Application of Organizational Managerial Theories in Law Enforcement - Term Paper Example Managerial strategy, the component that manages and guides the organization toward its missions and visions, has been and remains a crucial element to police administration. For decades, the police administrator has been held accountable for the weaknesses of law enforcement agencies. Nevertheless, recently, it is simply stated that police administrators have turned out to be and continue to be highly qualified in comparison to their forerunners (Dantzker, 1999). However, in spite of the idea that police administrators nowadays may be more trained, experienced, and knowledgeable than those of the earlier periods, subordinate police managers and police executive nowadays perhaps perform a much more challenging task than earlier administrators. Due to the greater issues and challenges that confront present-day law enforcement, like a constantly changing workforce, an overstrained criminal justice system, and an overwhelming set of tasks, the police administrator’s job keeps on d emanding for more progress (Champion, 2002). This essay discusses how the three major organizational managerial theories, namely, classical or traditional, human relations, and systems have been applied in law enforcement managerial procedures and their impact on police administration. Classical Management Theory Classical theory, or also referred to as the ‘scientific management’ model, is the groundwork for American police administration, but this theory in law enforcement is quite difficult and unfavorable when it is rigidly applied. Above all, it tries to put into practice dominant, dictatorial standards to manage people who normally abide by egalitarian principles (Cordner & Scarborough, 2010). According to Gaines and Worrall (2011), more difficulties are produced as agencies have implemented policing principles, which involve empowering subordinates for them to gain more control over policing issues, criminal activities, and their tasks. The progress toward such managerial technique tends to burden and pressure classically managed agencies. Primarily, the traditional police administration and the classical organizational theory have been applied to police administration successfully. Even though the classical organizational model was conceptualized a century ago, it is stil l the main organizational design for law enforcement agencies and other governmental departments. Police administrators have relied on this model to lead them in managing their divisions and completing the police task (Allen & Sawhney, 1999). In spite of this, there has been considerable strain on law enforcement agencies to change the traditional police managerial framework. First, the general public has criticized police conduct and outcomes. Citizens trust law enforcers in terms of preventing criminal activities and resolving crime issues when they take place. At present, the public criticize police conducts like the maltreatment of civil rights and racial profiling (Allen & Sawhney, 1999). This has encouraged law enforcement agencies to build stronger and better rapport with community organizations and the general public, mostly by adopting community policing. According

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporations and Environmental Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporations and Environmental Pollution - Essay Example This paper approves that corporations have been fighting policies designed at the state level to protect the environment from their extensive pollution by claiming there is a need to protect competitiveness of the state in the global market. Apart from the usual joint interests between corporations and states in protecting the balance of trade especially at the international level, corporations have gone further to rally state officials into supporting what is claimed to be policies to promote industry competitiveness. This report makes a conclusion that corporations cannot be seen as environmental protectors due to their enjoyment in environmental politics that are only aimed at protecting dividends for shareholders. Their social responsibility has been found to be public relation undertakings that are aimed at presenting their businesses as taking care of ethical outcomes of operations. Due to consumer and regulatory scrutiny, corporations have put in place strategies that are aimed at pleasing these groups of stakeholders into their activities with environmental policies that barely meet legislative requirements. In cases where profit margin is thought to be under threat, corporations would choose to protect their interest at the expense of environmental protection by forming partnerships with lobby groups and civil society. These corporations would also fund studies that spell negative consequences of regulations on the balance of trade of states in order to arm-twist their respective governmen ts into siding with them on the pretext of protecting state competitiveness. Consequently, corporations are polluters and not protectors of the environment.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What were the main effects of the 1979-1997 Conservative governments Essay Example for Free

What were the main effects of the 1979-1997 Conservative governments Essay What were the main effects of the 1979-1997 Conservative governments reforms to collective labour law and what distinguishes the approach taken by the current Labour administration? In order to answer this question collective labour law must be explained and defined so the effects of each government can be focussed in the appropriate area. This essay will then move on to examine the situation prior to 1979 so as to assess the extent of the Conservative administrations impact of collective labour law at that time, a type of before and after measurement. Having done this, the emphasis will switch to examining Thatcherite and Conservative ideology hoping therefore to explain the mechanics of the legislation that the Tories then introduced. Its effects will then be assessed. After this point this essay will turn its attention to Labour Party ideology, in order to use it as a means of putting into context the legislation which the party has introduced, this will then be assessed in greater detail. The link between New Labours administration and the European influence will also be examined at this point in the essay, and how this has impacted on British collective labour law. A summary will then be given and all conclusions will be drawn together in order to answer the set question. Brown (1993) said, It is generally more useful to use the term [collective labour law] to cover a broader set of joint regulatory behaviour, whereby employers deliberately permit representatives of employee collectives to be involved in the management of the employment relationship. This generally means that employers choose to liase with union representatives to discuss the manner in which the company is run and debate issues affecting its employees. Collective labour law is the legislation outlined by the government that regulates this area of bargaining and discussion, including union regulation, recognition, membership, organisation and industrial action (of all kinds). The Labour Party, formed in 1893, has its roots firmly in the industrialisation era. It is traditionally working class in membership. Jon Monks (cited in Salamon pg104) said that Labour and the trade unions had shared values: primacy of collective bargaining, expansion of the welfare state and state intervention to promote economic growth and employment. The Labour Party was elected to power in 1974. Though as New Labour the party has now adopted The Third Way at that time, it still supported the Corporatist ideology, part of which meant supporting the trade unions and collective bargaining. During this time, trade unions accounted for ninety per-cent of party membership, [provided the party with] eighty per-cent of its annual income [and] sponsored fifty per-cent of its MPs (Salamon pg105). The Employment Protection Act of 1975 (and Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act of 1978 encouraged trade union membership and activities as well as legislated so that statutory time off had to be given in order to enable union officials to complete their union duties. The act also facilitated trade union recognition by employers (under section 11 of the EPA 1975) with the instigation of a set union recognition procedure involving ACAS (Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service), and obliged employers to consult and share information with unions regarding organisational changes and matters directly affecting employees. However in an effort to protect all employees, not just union members, the act also provided legal procedures for extending the terms and conditions of the employment contract where major unions were not recognised and could not bargain on behalf of the employees. The legislation from that particular Labour administration also promoted conciliation, arbitration and employees participation (in the bargaining process). The act also tried to regulate incomes with the setting up of 26 regional wages councils to standardise incomes and set recommended minimum wage levels. In 1980 trade union membership in the following unions was; Transport and General Workers Union, 1887000, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, 1166000 and the General Municipal Boilermakers Union stood at 916000. In 1979 total union membership stood at 13447000 with a union density of 55. 4% (Bain Pierce 1983). It can be seen from the above that the Labour administration of 1974-1979 was one of support for trade unions, collective bargaining and collective labour law. Membership of trade unions was, it can now be see, at an all time high. However, all this was to change once the Conservatives came to power under Margaret Thatcher in 1979. According to Farnham, (1999, p215) [the change in State policy] had considerable implications for public policy on employee relations, which shifted from one focused on voluntary collective bargaining in conditions of full employment and strong trade unions (with attempts at bargained corporatism through social contracts) to neo-laissez-faire. Thatcherite and Tory ideology was indeed one of laissez-faire, liberalist (neo-unitarist) foundations. It was a kind of economical Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Mrs Thatcher is famous for having apparently said that there is no such thing as society. For this reason it is not possible to legislate for the benefit of it, only for individuals. According to Salamon (2000: p292) the Conservative government aimed to redress the perceived power imbalance in favour of trade unions and allow management to re-exert its prerogative which was to promote responsible trade unionism, to protect individual members against union tyranny and to promote employment opportunities and labour flexibility through de-regulating employment. It can be seen from this statement that the Conservative government very much believed in the individuals right not to join a trade union, and to give back control (it having been removed by the unions ability to strike without notice) of industries to the organisations themselves. Blyton and Turnbull (1994 p155) describe Mrs Thatchers opinion as being that the nationalised industries which should have virtue on their side were hopelessly distorted and confined by state control and the absence of market competition. The unions, who were beneficiaries of these monopolies were accomplices to the most scandalous inefficiencies and had to be stripped of power. This philosophy could perhaps explain the reason why the Conservatives chose to introduce eight acts of legislation affecting the unions within thirteen years. These acts covered three main points. They restricted the scope of lawful industrial action thereby reducing trade union power. They established rights to disorganise (Lewis cited in Salamon p107) by establishing non-membership rights thereby undermining the maintenance of collective relations. The final point is that the legislation intervened in the internal affairs of trade unions by promoting a representational democratic model, thereby reducing the influence of activists in union decision making. The acts themselves are listed as follows: The Employment Act 1980; this reduced employment rights under unfair dismissal and reduced in instances in which dismissal could be classed as unfair. It also placed restrictions on closed shops (where all employees must be union members) in that an employee could work in a closed shop but not be a member on the grounds of strongly held political convictions. New closed shops now needed 80% of its work force to be in agreement or 85% of all those voting in order to make their place of work a closed shop. A right to be re-instated after maternity leave was introduced, the trade union recognition procedure was repealed, a code of conduct regarding picketing was established and secondary picketing (picketing away from the site of the dispute) was outlawed. Secondary and sympathetic (workers in differing industries striking in support of other workers) strikes had restrictions placed on them. The grounds for refusal to join a trade union were extended. The Employment Act 1982; this reinforced many points from the previous act including the restrictions on closed shops, and protection and compensation payments for non-members. Ballots on closed shops had to be taken in all existing arrangements across the UK, and union labour only commercial contracts became illegal. The act made it legal to selectively dismiss striking employees and redefined trade dispute in that political strikes became illegal. The act also removed trade union immunities from the civil courts (which affected strike action). The Trade Union Act 1984; this act concerned itself with the internal affairs of the trade unions. It stated that ballots had to be held every five years to elect officials to the unions National Executive Committees, secret ballots had to be held before industrial action took place (and not more that four weeks before the action was to take place). Ballots also had to be taken to establish who the union was to give its political funding and this had to be reaffirmed every ten years. The act also redefined political objects on which the unions political fund could be spent. The Wages Act 1986; after this act the wages councils (of which there were twenty six) were only allowed to specify a single minimum wage rate of pay and a single overtime rate which applied to every worker regardless of skill. Workers under twenty one were no longer covered by this wage protection. The Sex Discrimination Act 1986; this removed the exemption that the small firms (five or less employees) had from the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975. The Employment Act 1988; under this act a union must hold separate ballots for industrial action if those who are likely to take part in such action have different places of work. Ballot papers must ask whether the member is prepared to take strike action or action short of a strike. Members were given the right not to be unjustifiably disciplined by their union, and a new commissioner for the Rights of Trade Union Members was appointed. The Employment Act 1990; when this act was passed pre-entry closed shops became illegal, unions became vicariously liable if any of its officials called for strike action without following the proper procedures, employers were given greater freedom to dismiss any employee taking unofficial strike action, and further restrictions were placed on secondary action. Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act 1993; under this act employees were given the right to decide which union they joined. Postal ballots had to take place now before any strike could occur, and unions had to provide employers with at least seven days notice before any strike action could take place. The twenty-six wage councils were abolished and ACAS requirement to encourage collective bargaining was removed. At the end of the Conservative run of administration (finally finishing with John Major as Prime Minister in 1997) it is evident that the legislation very much followed the Conservative ideology of individualism, legislating for the individual and stripping collectives of their powers, as evidenced by the following figures. In 1990 the Transport and General Workers Union membership stood at 1224000, the Amalgamated Engineering Union at 702000 and the General Municipal Boilermakers Union membership stood at 865000. In 1978 the total number of working days lost that year was 9405000 but in 1995 that number was just 415000. From this can be seen the total effect that the Tories had on collective labour law and bargaining. Blyton and Turnbull (1998 p263) said, Throughout the 1980s the Thatcher government had made a virtue out of standing firm. The Conservatives had actively discouraged collective bargaining and hindered the trade unions as much as possible, so much so that union membership had dwindled to the figures in the previous paragraph. In 1997 trade union membership stood at 7154000 employees, a massive drop of 6293000 from that of 1979, and a union density of 30. 2%, again a big drop of 25. 2%. The effects of the Conservative era of power can clearly be seen here. When John Major and his party were defeated, the unions were virtually powerless, with their membership drastically reduced. Labour is traditionally the party of the trade unions as has previously been discussed. However, since the birth of New Labour things have changed considerably. In the 1980s Labour became concerned by their apparent unelectability so its leaders reformed and modernised the party image, which included loosening the link between themselves and the trade unions, even incorporating a Business Manifesto for their 1997 election campaign. At this time the party also adopted The Third Way. This replaced the previous Corporatist ideology behind the party. The Third Way is a middle ground between the traditional socialist views of the old left wing party and the right-wing views held by the Conservatives. The result of the image overhaul and change in strategy is that the trade unions became part of a coalition supporting Labour, but not the senior partners as of old (Salamon: 2000). Accordingly the New Labour Party focuses much more on the fact that labour flexibility has become an increasingly important issue for government strategies which are aimed at improving economic competitiveness and reducing unemployment (Salamon pg 282). Unconditional labour market de-regulation could have a detrimental effect on socially desirable employment policies such as social benefits, training, employee protection legislation and even the national minimum wage. Labours employment strategy [now] emphasises inclusion, social partnership and fairness at work (but without special favours towards trade unions) (Salamon pg 292) It has re-introduced the statutory union recognition procedure, introduced a national minimum wage and has signed up to the Social Chapter (European Union legislation). Metcalf (who is a member of the Low-Pay Commission) believes that the commission is an exemplar of social partnership which rehabilitated the unions and employees into a process that contrasts sharply with the there is no such thing as society' confrontational Thatcher era. (Salamon pg293) For this reason since New Labour came to power in 1997 the government has heavily legislated in many areas, and employment has not been excluded from this. One act in particular has directly impacted on Collect Labour Law, which is:- The Employment Relations Act 1999. This act effects trade union recognition and de-recognition (bringing back in the standard procedures), access to workers when industrial action is being considered and ballots are taking place. It also affects ballot procedure. The time between ballot result allowing action to take place has doubled from twenty-eight days to two months. Unfair dismissal is also affected as workers can no longer be dismissed for lawful industrial action. Finally, union membership rights were changed slightly in that the act states people can not be refused employment because of their trade union affiliations. Everyone has the right to belong to a trade union and the right not to be excluded from one. Along with this element of the act is a section dictating that compiling a blacklist of union members by employers is also illegal. This act strengthened the trade union and employee position, but it could also be argued that it is not a great overhaul of the law given the Labour Partys legislative history during previous administrations. Labour could be seen to be attempting to pacify the unions whilst trying not to alienate big business. The remaining major issue to be considered in this area of the essay is Europes influence on Collective Labour Law and the government in the United Kingdom. Once Labour formed the government in 1997 the Conservative decision to opt out of the Social dimension of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 was reversed under the treaty of Amsterdam 1997 and in so signing, Labour consented to the treaty and all its terms. Maastricht (1992) could be considered as the Constitution of the European labour Market. It dealt principally with issues of fair remuneration, a national minimum wage, improvement in working conditions, unions rights and development of the employees rights to consultation and information. There were three immediate effects (in the form of European Directives handed down by the European Commission) when the UK joined the treaty. The European Works Council Directive, Parental Leave Directive and the directive covering the burden of proof in Sex Discrimination cases. The only directive to have any direct impact on collective labour law was the European Works Council Directive. This was aimed at large multinational firms and ensured proper communication between employee representatives (such as shop stewards) and management. The Working Time Directive is one further outcome of the agreement to the Social Chapter. The basic rights and protections that the Regulations provide are a limit of an average of 48 hours a week which a worker can be required to work (though workers can choose to work more if they want to), a limit of an average of 8 hours work in 24 which night workers can be required to work, a right for night workers to receive free health assessments. a right to 11 hours rest a day, a right to a day off each week, a right to an in-work rest break if the working day is longer than six hours and a right to four weeks paid leave per year. As can be seen from the above legislation Labour has not acted according to their ideological heritage, preferring instead to develop greater support for market competition, deregulation and privatisation. The party more strongly believes in the Stakeholder Economy, Welfare to Work, Social Partnership and Fairness at Work (Salamon pg21) principals and schemes. Most of the legislation is concerned with individual rights at work and not at all with collective labour law or collective bargaining. To a certain degree Labour now has little control regarding employment legislation as it is handed down to the government by Europe. However, it was New Labours choice to sign the treaty and harmonise the United Kingdom with the other member states and so must accept and implement all directives that are issued. The effects of the previously mentioned legislation can be seen in the following figures. In 1999 trade union membership in the following unions was; Transport and General Workers Union, 881625, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, 717874 and the General Municipal Boilermakers Union stood at 712010. Whilst the TGWU and GMBU show a decline in membership (and so in the powers of collective bargaining), the comparison is in fact to 1990 when the Conservatives still had another five years in power, membership has actually slightly increased since 1997 In 1999 trade union membership stood at a combined total of 7801315 employees, an increase from 1997 (when New Labour came to power) of 647315. The number of working days lost due to industrial action also dropped in 1999 to 266400 from 415000 in 1999, a drop of 148600 (all above figures from Salmon pg113). So as can be seen above the actions of both parties during their respective administrations have had a profound effect on collective labour law and collective bargaining, with the Tories having most impact. Labour is conspicuous in that it has done comparatively little to over turn the Tory instigated legislation. The actions of both parties can be explained by their ideologies, with Labours changing radically during the last decade. Their approaches have differed in that the Conservatives stripped the unions (which are the primary partners in bargaining and negotiation) of the majority of their rights and were not concerned with how ruthlessly it was done. The individuals rights were improved, but only as a means of weakening union power and increasing the strength of big businesses and employers in accordance with Conservative thinking and strategy. The Tories refused to sign up to the Social Chapter as they believed that employment legislation should come from within the country that is to be affected by it and in joining would lose total legislative control. In contrast to this Labour have signed up to the Social Chapter and tried to make the employment situation better for employees as individuals. This is because according to the third Way which creates a perceived political and cultural ideology within which management, unions and employees have to work (Salmon pg 21) it would benefit both employers and employees. It can be seen from this that both parties have similar outcomes from their legislation (in so much as figures for union membership and days lost in industrial action have only improved in comparatively mediocre terms and figures) though each party has taken a different approach for differing reasons. Bibliography Books Farnham, D. (1997) Employee Relations In Context London: CIPD Salamon, M. (2000) Industrial relations Theory and Practice: London, Prentice Hall (4th edition) Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P. (1998) The Dynamics of Employee Relations, Basingstoke: Macmillan (2nd edition) Cully et al. (1999) Britain At Work, London: Routledge Incomes Data Services Ltd (2000) Trade Unions Employment Law Handbook: London: IDS Websites

Friday, November 15, 2019

Measurement - Mathematic Reform :: essays research papers fc

Part A: Content Goals for Measurement in Grades 3-5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most students enter grade 3 with enthusiasm for, and interest in, learning mathematics. In fact, nearly three-quarters of U.S. fourth graders report liking mathematics (NCTM, 143). This can be a very critical time in keeping children interested in what they are learning. If the work turns too monotonous and uninteresting it can have a negative effect on their perceptions of the subject later in life. If students in grades three through five are given mathematic material that is interesting it can help keep their enthusiasm toward the subject. One of the major content areas that is covered at this time is measurement. Measurement is one of the ways that teachers can introduce students to the usefulness and practicality of mathematics. Measurement requires the comparison of an attribute (distance, surface, capacity, mass, time, temperature) between two objects or to a known standard. Measurement also introduces students to the important concepts of precision, approx imation, tolerance, error and dimension. Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade twelve should enable students to understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement. Also, apply the appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements (NCTM, 171). This paper will describe how those ideas are developed in grades three through five.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first and most basic standard for measurement at this level is being able to understand measurement attributes that we use on a daily basis. Some of these attributes include length, area, weight, volume, and size of an angle. Knowledge of these variables is very important because they are ideas that will be used regularly throughout their lives. When students attain a better understanding of these measurement variables the next objective is to have them decipher the correct way to measure them. Choosing the appropriate unit to measure variables such as length, area, and weight can be just as important as knowing their meaning. For example, knowing that length is the distance between two points is irrelevant if a student tries to measure it with an angle or area. Knowing the proper way to measure a variable is very important. This idea also brings into perspective the standard of measurement that deals with understanding the need for standard units, or a basic way to describe an attribute. This requires students to become familiar with standard units in the customary and metric systems.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pakistan Banks Ratios

What factors should Amerada management consider when evaluating the reposed strategy? . Calculate Marinade's debt-to-value ratio using both the book value and market value of the firm's equity. How does Marinade's debt-to-value ratio compare to that of other discount brokerage and investment service companies in Exhibit 4? In general terms, how does leverage affect the rockiness of a firm's equity? 3. Amerada has a short history of trading, so its beta cannot be computed precisely using its own historical data.Exhibit 4 provides some choices for comparable firms. Which of these firms do you think are appropriate to use as comparable to determine the beta of Marinade's planned advertising and technology investments? Why? 4. Using the stock price and return data in Exhibits 5 and 6, estimate the CAMP beta and Fame-French factor sensitivities for the stocks of comparable firms. 5. Estimate the weighted-average cost of capital for Marinade's proposed expansion. What risked rate do you us e?Are the cost-of-capital estimates similar using the CAMP and Fame-French three-factor models? Guidelines You may work on the case in groups of 3 or 4 students. Please hand-in one write-up per group. All members of the group should be prepared to discuss the case in class. State clearly any assumptions you make and provide enough information so that a reader can follow your analysis. I would expect the case write-up to be two to three pages plus supporting tables.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reflective journal Essay

My third week of clinical placement at Trillium Hospital assigned on the same unit and same patient. Arrive early in the lobby of 4J Rehab meet with our Clinical Instructor and group mates. Started with pre-conference had briefing for the day activities assigned as schedule to be with our Clinical Instructor in giving 10:00 am medications. After the briefing, I went to the station where, met my new preceptor , exchange of greetings little bit of introduction about me and her. We started by taking the endorsement from the outgoing night shift nurse. Review the plan of care of our assigned patient. She asked to get the manual Blood Pressure Apparatus and handed me her pager. I was thinking why the pager. She notice me in confusion of the pager, she just smiled and said â€Å" I want you to feel your the real nurse and I am just your assistant†, don’t worry I am at your side† just answered â€Å"ok†. We went to each patient room, greeted patient, took the vital signs, recorded it my notebook, does the head to toe assessment . After all of these activities we went back to the nurse’s station where I do the documentation with regards to patients vital signs. At around 9:00 in the morning we do the morning care for each patient, I had the chance to assist her male stroke patient change his catheter. We finished around 9:30 and had our break. After the break 10:00 Am time to give the medication for my assigned patient together with my preceptor as per schedule. My assigned patient is male 51 years old Spanish who has an Ileostomy case. The medication that I was going to give are pain medications and for his hypertension. My clinical instructor asked me also about the medication routes, and the classification of the drugs. So thankful to her my Clinical Instructor she is so kind and willing to give us all the information we need to learn. I also documented in the MAR sheet, signed the drugs that I gave. I also had the chance of changing the dressing of my assigned patient, Ileostomy case. Prepared the materials needed for the procedure. Feeling nervous at the beginning, my first time to do this kind of dressing, packing ribbon on an stoma. With my preceptor around who is so cooperative and teaching me the proper way to do it I feel confident and grateful to her too. Me and my group mates had also the chance to watch doing the bladder scanner knowing the amount of urine in the bladder. One of my group mates did the in and out catetherization, but unfortunately it did work out, something is blocking maybe pus. I also helped the transferring of patient from bed to wheel chair using the manual Hoyer Lift. Get tired that day but happy I learned a lot of challenges, having this positive attitude, experiences during my clinical duty I know I can handle and deal with the situations that I will be encoutering.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Alber Bierstadt

Withrow 1 Albert Bierstadt was an American painter of German birth. His career spanned the entire second half of the 19th century, and emerged as the first technically sophisticated artist to travel to the Far West of America (Turner, 43). On this trip, he recorded his experiences through sketches and stereoscopic photographs of Indians, emigrants and members of the survey party. It was his many sketches and photographs made throughout his several trips to the West that Bierstadt used to create his paintings. Unlike many artists who are discovered after their death, Bierstadt achieved his dream of fame while in the prime of his painting. His paintings were purchased by the wealthy and titled, thus enabling him to live very comfortably. Valley of the Yosemite by Albert Bierstadt is a beautiful landscape painting in which light, color, an utmost attention to detail, and strong lines all come together to compliment the composition. Bierstadt captures the Yosemite Valley much in the same naturalistic style as photographer Ansel Adams, the major difference being Bierstadt’s use of color versus using high contrast black and white values. Light is the most important aspect in this landscape. The sunlight slowly creeps up from behind the cliffs, and gracefully dances along the countryside illuminating the early morning scene. This sunlight is made of warm colors, and creates the feeling of a warm summer’s morning, burning through the early morning haze, to clear the air as the local wildlife is just waking up. The light continues to lightly touch the clouds, exposing their contours, and pushing them out of the area to make way for the new day. Bierstadt’s attention to detail is very impressive. The contours of the clouds, the jagged rock face, the glistening of the water, the leaves on the trees all done with very small brushstrokes. A great sense of depth is established through contrast, overlapping and atmospheric ... Free Essays on Alber Bierstadt Free Essays on Alber Bierstadt Withrow 1 Albert Bierstadt was an American painter of German birth. His career spanned the entire second half of the 19th century, and emerged as the first technically sophisticated artist to travel to the Far West of America (Turner, 43). On this trip, he recorded his experiences through sketches and stereoscopic photographs of Indians, emigrants and members of the survey party. It was his many sketches and photographs made throughout his several trips to the West that Bierstadt used to create his paintings. Unlike many artists who are discovered after their death, Bierstadt achieved his dream of fame while in the prime of his painting. His paintings were purchased by the wealthy and titled, thus enabling him to live very comfortably. Valley of the Yosemite by Albert Bierstadt is a beautiful landscape painting in which light, color, an utmost attention to detail, and strong lines all come together to compliment the composition. Bierstadt captures the Yosemite Valley much in the same naturalistic style as photographer Ansel Adams, the major difference being Bierstadt’s use of color versus using high contrast black and white values. Light is the most important aspect in this landscape. The sunlight slowly creeps up from behind the cliffs, and gracefully dances along the countryside illuminating the early morning scene. This sunlight is made of warm colors, and creates the feeling of a warm summer’s morning, burning through the early morning haze, to clear the air as the local wildlife is just waking up. The light continues to lightly touch the clouds, exposing their contours, and pushing them out of the area to make way for the new day. Bierstadt’s attention to detail is very impressive. The contours of the clouds, the jagged rock face, the glistening of the water, the leaves on the trees all done with very small brushstrokes. A great sense of depth is established through contrast, overlapping and atmospheric ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Write for Any Magazine

Write for Any Magazine Write-what-you-know has its purpose. Why bother gaining experience or studying anything new if you cant use it? Why become an expert? As a freelancer, if you limit your writing to only what you know, you become stale after a period of time. I profess that you can write about for almost any magazine. Here are three tricks to picking up a magazine and determining a pitch for the editor: 1) Interview an expert in a magazines field. You may not know squat about the subject matter of a magazine, but if you interview someone who does, you have the makings of a great profile piece. Sure, you need to read up on the individual so you dont sound completely naive, but youll learn soon enough that most experts thrive on explaining what they do. Ask a few pertinent, intelligent questions, and theyll take off like a rocket, feeding you all the information you need for a beautiful piece for magazines you never thought youd ever qualify to write for. 2) Study press releases. That means study ALL press releases. Go to or and read whats new. Not only will you find experts quoted who you can contact for item 1) above, but you can learn about new findings, studies, revelations, inventions, and happenings that make for great features. Whats fantastic about these releases is that they list names and contact information for the people who know the most about the topic matter. Right there in oneplace, you have the facts you need to outline a great feature. 3) Pitch something evergreen. A subject like How to make the most of a conference can apply to magazines for fishermen, golfers, doctors, teachers, writers, accountants, landscapers, or anyone who attends a professional conference. How to hire a great employee from a mediocre pool of applicants. How to make your website sticky and appealing.   How New Years resolutions really do work. Travel deals you never see in the ads. The list goes on and on about how to take a very general, how-to-live-better piece and apply it to most topics. So, take those three simple concepts, and unless the magazines require you have an advanced degree in the subject matter, you have an open door to endless material for all those magazines you see in Writers Market . . . and FundsforWriters.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Justifying the Patriots Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Justifying the Patriots Act - Research Paper Example Before delving on the validity and appropriateness of the Patriot Act, it is a must to take a stock of the typical American mindset and way of thinking. The opposition garnered by the Patriot Act could only be well understood when it is placed aside the essential American ethos and the values and norms that are dear to Americans. America is a nation that is devoted to the values of liberty and strongly shuns any law or arrangement that takes something out of the rights and privileges extended to the masses by the constitution of the United States of America. Though the detractors of Patriot Act abhor it as an intrusion into the privacy of the common Americans, a more balanced and sane approach towards this legislation establishes beyond doubt that it is a law that is pivotal to the security and safety of the United States of America (Browne 1). Before trying to wrest any strong opinion regarding the appropriateness and validity of the Patriot Act it is important to understand the tim es in which this legislation was conceived and the things it intended to do. The USA PATRIOT Act was act of the US Congress that was signed into law on October 26, 2001. It goes without saying that the Patriot Act was a response to the mayhem caused by the 9/11 terrorist acts and intended to safeguard the life and property of the American masses. As the full form of the Patriot Act that is Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act suggests, the purpose of the Patriot Act was to strengthen the arms of the America law and order agencies and the intelligence community by endowing to them a range of powers and possibilities. It is really worthwhile to delve on the provisions brought into existence by this act. The Patriot Act intended to safeguard civil liberties. It allowed the Secret Service to establish a nationwide electronic surveillance system and provided for the confiscation of the property of foreign persons engaging i n terrorist acts (Department of Justice 1). It widened the potential of the intelligence services to conduct surveillance on the terrorist elements, without being subservient to the consent of the courts (Department of Justice 1). This act intended to curtail the financial power of the terrorist groups and stressed a stronger border security (Department of Justice 1). The National Security Letters (NSL) provision of this act allowed access to the paper work related to the suspicious citizens, to the intelligence agencies (Department of Justice 1). It facilitated an enhanced sharing of information and inputs between the intelligence agencies and had provisions for extending compensation to the victims of terrorism (Department of Justice 1). The Patriot Act also brought in a range of crimes within the ambit of what is broadly defined as acts of terrorism (Department of Justice 1). The overall purpose of the Patriot Act was to bring about the sweeping changes that not only armed the la w and order institutions and intelligence agencies with the teeth they needed to wage a pragmatic war on the terrorist gro

Friday, November 1, 2019

TopDog Software Case Analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TopDog Software Case Analysis - Article Example The head of sales Samantha Jenkins ha learnt of new outfit known as FastData, which is located in Norway that proves to be a great competitor in the market. In addition, FastData has launched it globalization and releases news brief to the media on its aspiration of expanding to the international hence globalization. Thus, TopDog should go international as well since stiff competition is evident amidst companies offering products similar to theirs. Top Dog would be in a better position to compete if they have a global presence with a strategy of establishing a remarkable competitive approach in the global market not only in the United States as is the situation at the moment. 2- If TopDog does decide to go international should it open its own offices, take on foreign partners, license its products to foreign distributors, or follow some other method? Answer: If TopDog does decide to go international, licensing its products to foreign distributors would be the most appropriate option, which would give the company an opportunity to build brand identity and a large clientele at a friendly cost hence the company’s finances would be strained. W.L. Gore & Associates Integrative Case Study 3-How will Gore’s culture affect the virtual global teams? Gore’s business culture will positively affect the global teams as they strive to maintain a family like coordination. In addition, the global team will have a cohesive working framework in decision making according to Gore’s culture. This will make Gore distinguishable globally with a family-like business culture.